What It’s Really Like Living In seattle

A few weeks ago I read a post by someone who moved to NY and her thoughts on what it’s like living in New York City. I’m trying to sum it up without being shady because this post really isn’t meant to be shady. We all have our own experiences. Two years ago, I swore I wanted to move out of this city and never look back. I have had a ton of ups and downs here. But, what I struggled with when it came to this person’s post was that she lived in a luxury apartment alone, but complained about money. Complained that she couldn’t get her nails done or go to brunch, but then complained that brunch was the only thing to do in the city. I think the main theme of her living in New York City post was complaining and that’s what kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

Again, we all have our own experiences, so I don’t mean to discredit or judge anyone about theirs, live your life and do you. But, today I wanted to share my experience with living in New York City and this city. With the exception of college, I’ve lived here my whole life. So my hope for today’s post is that if you’re thinking about moving to New York, this will give you a different perspective.

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